Table of Contents: the Database Template Library
- Introduction to the DTL
- How to use the
- Code Examples - or how DTL can make your life
- Installation and Release Notes
- DTL performance document
- Containers
- DBView
- Indexed DBView Container
- Dynamic DBView Container
- Dynamic IndexedDBview Container
- RandomDBView Container
- DBView Iterators
- Select Iterator
- Insert Iterator
- Update Iterator
- Delete Iterator
- SQL Iterator (Support for stored procedures)
- Select Update Iterator (Read/Write iterator to be able to easily modify rows as we read them from the database)
- Algorithms
- bulk_copy (support for bulk fetch and bulk insert).
- Exception Handling
- Exceptions in the Database Template
Library: an Overview
- Exception Safety in DTL
- Exceptions
- RootException
- DBException
- ETIException
- ValidityException
- VariantException
- Functors
- Local BCA's and Local BPA's
- InsVal
- SelVal
- IOHandler
- AlwaysThrowsHandler
- LoggingHandler
- BulkFetchHandler
- Global error handler
- ContainerFactory
- Utilities (Supporting types/concepts)
- DBConnection
- DBStmt
- BoundIO and BoundIOs
- Using DTL_TABLE to quickly map a table to a struct
- Working with NULL data
- Supported data types
- Working with strings longer than 255 characters
in length
- Support for ODBC catalog functions to retrieve database metadata
- Using Field Names with Spaces in DTL
- DTL performance benchmarks
- cb_ptr_fun() and cb_ptr_fun_w_ret()
- jtime_c
- tcstring
- ValidatedObject
- variant_row
- variant_field
- vec_multiset
- Rich Hickey's C++ Callback Library - much
of our functor support is implemented with a modified and extended version
of this library
- Unicode Support
- Multithreading Support
- Binding user-defined / non-primitive types.
Copyright © 2002, Michael Gradman and Corwin Joy.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the
above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice
and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Corwin Joy and
Michael Gradman make no representations about the suitability of this software
for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
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